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Bible & Coffee
bible study with coffee
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His-Story of Kost

God's long and faithful history here in North Branch, Minnesota

Kost Church.

Kost Free Church? KFC? 

Kost Evangelical Free Church.


The name of a business or a church is very important and usually tells you a lot about it. So does Evangelical Free mean that the church is free of evangelicals or maybe it doesn’t give you the opportunity to give tithes and offerings? What does “Kost” mean? Is it cost free? Did you mean to spell it that way? Yep!


Kost Evangelical Free Church or Kost Church is one of the oldest congregations in the Evangelical Free Church of America. It was founded in 1886 by Swedish settlers. If you lived in our area way back when, then you would drive through the community of Kost. And Evangelical Free is a denomination of Bible believing, Jesus following churches with a long history of loving God and serving others. This is why the church was called what it is. We’ve abbreviated it so it’s not such a mouthful. :)




We meet for church at 9:30 am and then have a time of coffee and treats following the service before Sunday school at about 11 am. Sunday school is provided for all ages, little ones to adults! We can’t wait to meet you! Remember, you are loved!


Here’s a link to some neat history about the town of Kost:


Additional links:




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